Dysphameal - Products for people with dysphagia

Choose product quality and respect for patients

~ Functional Advantages ~

Seven measurable benefits


Ensures that meals have the right consistency to suit various different needs


Makes it easier to plan meals and achieve a balanced diet


Helps increase fluid intake by providing up to two litres of water per day


Adopts the DysphaCare nutrition protocol


Helps manage patients with dysphagia in a more sustainable way


Our foods are nutrient dense and guarantee the recommended daily intake of proteins, vitamins and liquids.


Much less reliance on the use of supplements and traditional thickeners

~ Why you should choose Dysphameal ~

Advantages for Nursing and Care Homes

Less time spent preparing and serving meals

Helps prevent injuries to the skin such as bedsores, or helps them to heal.

It makes possible to measure the exact nutritional intake thanks to the correct balance of nutrients in each meal

Reduces the need for enemas thanks to the higher intake of fibre and water.

Reduces bedsores and helps them to heal as well as shorter healing times for pressure ulcers.

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